Protein or peptide name:CmpA
Chromosome:subtilis str. 168 complete genome
Protein or peptide start site:527912
Protein or peptide end site:528025
ncRNA start site:527912
ncRNA end site:528025
Genome Browser:NA
Protein or peptide length:37aa
ncRNA type:ncRNA
ncRNA name:cmpA
Entrez ID:37862802
Experimental species:Bacillus subtilis subsp. subtilis str. 168
Experimental techniques:GFP fluorescence
Experimental sample (cell line and/or tissue):Bacillus subtilis
Description:Here, we describe a sporulation pathway involving SpoVM and a 37-amino-acid-long protein named CmpA that is encoded by a previously un-annotated gene and is expressed under control of two sporulation-specific transcription factors (σ(E) and SpoIIID).
Subcellular location:surface of the developing spore
Function:CmpA localized to the surface of the developing spore and deletion of cmpA resulted in cells progressing through the sporulation programme more quickly.
Title of paper:Small proteins link coat and cortex assembly during sporulation in Bacillus subtilis
Year of publication:2012